This has to be one of my favourite times of year. In the
space of three weeks my birthday, Jesus’ birthday too and a brand new year swing by
in an extravaganza of merriment and celebration. What’s not to like!
A couple of years ago I wrote this piece about how Christmas is celebrated around the World and in researching different festive nuances, it made me appreciate the season even more.
Forget the last minute gift buying hysteria, Christmas is about
all about family, food and TV. Sure, I like receiving nice presents as much as the next gal, but they’re not
the be all, and this is without the nation’s collective brassicness. I’d rather be surrounded by the people I love, belly
laughing at their dry cynicism and nursing sides fit to burst post dinner, as I waddle to the sofa ready to indulge in some epic histrionics courtesy of
the Eastenders Christmas Day implosion! Yep, simple pleasures are often the best eh?
From the Mulled wine, to the pigs-in-blankets (my family use
this as an excuse to also crack out the ackee ‘n’ saltfish and plantain
#jamaicanchristmas), the endless Christmas specials, the Queen’s speech and the
carols, to that delicious sprinkling of icing sugar that seems to magically appear overnight and adds instant Christmas. To the goodwill, cold cheeks, in your face lights and lingering smell of pine, all
this and more, I flipping love Christmas!
Hope you all have a fantastic Christmas, filled with lots of joy, warmth and rest xx
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