Friday, 7 December 2012

London's Natural Beauties: Exhibit C. Sian

This week's installment comes in the shape of a dancer, repique playing, hard working fun loving mother of two, Sian. A true natural beauty who shows that minimal work can actually lead to maximum effect!

NAME: Sian
AGE: Undisclosed
NATURAL FOR: 20 years / 9 years in Locs

When You Gonna: So Sian, why did you go natural and why locs?

Sian: Because I'm LAZY!! My sister is a hairdresser and so she used to do my hair, but when I had my daughters I needed a low maintenance style so locs it was!

WYG: So it wasn't political for you? You weren't trying to make a stand against the mainstream?

S: Nope. I just needed something easy. I just tie it up and go.

WYG: How often do you get it re-done?

S: I go to the hairdresser every 6 to 8 weeks and let them do their thing. They wash it, re-twist it and I'm good to go.

WYG: Sounds like a complete time saver. Ok, last question. Do you have any favourite products?

S: I really like Rosemary oil which I water down to use. It smells really nice. And my hairdressers at Adornment365 always recommend products to me which I use.

Sian's go-to moisturising Hair Freshener

WYG: Great! Thanks Sian.

If you would like to take part in this feature or know of any Natural Beauties you think we should show here GET IN TOUCH! Email us at: 

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