I, am that friend!
I've been late for pretty much every kind of social and life situation I've encountered in my short life. Exams, assignments, work, dates, that time I missed my flight to Exit Festival for no particular reason, and almost had to fork out a cool £340 for a new return ticket to Hungary. Ouch!
With my non-refundable, non-transferable ticket in hand, I slopped around the terminal dragging my 50ltr rucksack stuffed with rave gear and looking for an alternative flight. After half hour of this pathetic catwalk, my kindly flight desk attendant took pity on my sad face, magically changed my void ticket into a valid one and only charged me an extra £35 for booking fee. He let me on my merry way as I ran to catch the next flight, that I was nearly late for too!
I'm been late meeting friends when they've been running late and, had I left vaguely on time I should have arrived before them. You name it, I've been late for it, and it's ridiculous.
With my non-refundable, non-transferable ticket in hand, I slopped around the terminal dragging my 50ltr rucksack stuffed with rave gear and looking for an alternative flight. After half hour of this pathetic catwalk, my kindly flight desk attendant took pity on my sad face, magically changed my void ticket into a valid one and only charged me an extra £35 for booking fee. He let me on my merry way as I ran to catch the next flight, that I was nearly late for too!

I don't like being late. I don't like bowling up to whatever thing I'm late for sweaty, breathless, souped up on adrenaline and hoping who or whatever I've kept waiting is a) still there, b) not too angry or c) still gonna pay me?! But most of all it's extremely annoying and inconvenient for whoever I've kept waiting.
It's a bad, disgusting habit and it's not ok. No excuses! It's not because I'm black (BMT does not exist....if only). It's not because I'm a woman. I barely wear make up and usually end up throwing on whatever's clean and vaguely appropriate. So why in the name of sweet baby Jesus am I always late? Truth be told it's because I'm a disorganised fool.
It's a bad, disgusting habit and it's not ok. No excuses! It's not because I'm black (BMT does not exist....if only). It's not because I'm a woman. I barely wear make up and usually end up throwing on whatever's clean and vaguely appropriate. So why in the name of sweet baby Jesus am I always late? Truth be told it's because I'm a disorganised fool.
I doesn't have to be like that. I can be super organised and a good judge of time when I put my mind to it, no really! But my Achilles Heal fells me time after time. Yes, Procrastination you are my worst enemy and also my constant companion. Not urgent? Meh, it can get done in a minute or two. Stick it on my many to do lists and I'll get round to it eventually.
You see, when I'm running late something happens to my rationale. Self-delusion and frantic damage limitation take hold. Conversations with myself go something like this:
"You need to be at A in 20mins. You've not left your house, but all's not lost. If you power walk, avoid any hassle on the tube, dodge the hapless slow coach pedestrians who will get in your way, you can do it in, say, 30mins. Ok, 10mins late is taking the mick a bit but it's an acceptable lateness, right?!"
Wrong! Times lateness by 2, add my meetee standing in cold twiddling on their generic smartphone and you have a very high probability of them being a little cheesed off by the time I rock up.
Most of time I get away with my constant lateness, but not always. As a lifetime offender anyone that knows me will account for my inevitable lateness, but that still doesn't make it alright.
As an on trend Slashie with several flexible, part time jobs, sometimes I've got more spare time than I know what to do with and a schedule that's different week on week. I'm someone that needs structure, and if work doesn't provide it I need to get good at creating it myself, and quick! Because making my way in the big bad grown up world, my tardiness will win me no points and may make me miss out on opportunities that I can't afford to.
I've always be a daydreamer and always will be, but I need to focus it into a more productive past time. Putting things off and then running around last minute like blue arsed fly to get everything done can't be any good for my blood pressure, and definitely isn't for my friendships or life ambitions. So I'm sorry old friend, but I'm going to have to reassess our co-dependence. I know you'll understand.
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