How are those New Year's resolutions coming? |
We’re less than a week into 2013 so the chances are that most of you will still be keeping up with your New Year's resolutions (for now). But some of you I’m sure will already be taking wanton liberties with your resolutions, promising yourselves that, ‘Next week I'll definitely get back on the wagon’ *Sigh*
It’s always the same isn’t it? We start off so well, full of renewed resolve,
but come February we’re struggling to stick with even one of our New Year's promises. Going cold turkey, detoxing
your way into a new you, and then feeling rubbish when you fall short, isn’t the
best motivator for self improvement. Here’s
a suggestion. Ever thought about not making NY resolutions?
I did this a few years ago and here’s why.
1) I’m no good at them.
2) Working on yourself and your foibles is a gradual
process. If you’ve ever been able to wake
up one morning (be it the beginning of a new year or not) and miraculously
change something about yourself you disliked, please tell me how you did it.
3) My main reason for letting go of New Year’s resolutions is
down to a pearl of wisdom once imparted to me and my A-level Art class. Our sage teacher (big up Mrs CM) once told us
that, ‘Time flies when you’re having fun
girls, but you know something, it goes even fasted the older you get’.
It’s true! When we’re kids days can seem like weeks
but the older we get there never seem to be enough hours in the day. It took me
until my early twenties to start appreciating Mrs CM’s piece of enlightenment. Four
years at Uni had gone by in a flash, so the year I left, I decided to invest
less in New Year’s resolutions and concentrate more on my New List.

Ever wanted to aerial silk dance? Do it! Fancy learning how to Clog?
Why not? Meaning to enroll in that thingy, but... No more buts, more
action please!
Your New list could consist of one or many things. You could have a clear idea of what you want to do at the start of the year or a vague inkling towards something you'd like to try. It could your attempt to wade through your bucket list before it starts to runneth over, or just you trying your hand at something different. The only rule is that whatever you do it has to be new.
Your New list could consist of one or many things. You could have a clear idea of what you want to do at the start of the year or a vague inkling towards something you'd like to try. It could your attempt to wade through your bucket list before it starts to runneth over, or just you trying your hand at something different. The only rule is that whatever you do it has to be new.
My New list has
helped to yank my introverted self out of my comfort zone. I have a long history of shying away from new
experiences and afterwards regretting not having the gumption to get stuck in. Having a
New list is my stab at greater spontaneity and talking more dive bombs into the
pool of risk. By pushing myself to do
more, I’ve found that I have been able to address items that would have originally been on my New Year's resolutions. Things
like: I must be more assertive (yep, I'm a chronic sufferer from this too), less self-conscious, more fitter and more adventurous etc, you know the drill.
For example:
In 2008 I took up samba as one of the year's New things, and it's all because of this This Next advert . It's really cheesy but I
defy anyone to resist those feathers, the blingy samba outfits, the rhythms of Mas Que Nada! I typed London + Samba into my generic search engine and I’ve been dancing with the London School of
Samba ever since. In 2010 I became part of their
performing group and with them I’ve been fortunate enough to go
to Hong Kong, performing for Chinese New Year 2011 as well as going to Coburg International
Samba Festival in Germany. I’ve learnt how to make my own samba costume (more
complicated than you think) and gained lots of new skills and friendships volunteering for
the school. Samba has given me the greatest experience of my life, performing at the London Olympics 2012 Closing Ceremony. In 4 years I went from watching a Next commercial featuring Brazilian
supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio, to sharing the stage with her in front of the
world at the Olympics! Not bad for just turning up at a samba class one Sunday.
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London 2012 Closing Ceremony Alessandra Ambrosio (silver dress far left), me (fourth afro from right) & Karla (last afro on the right) |
Since 2008, thanks to my New List, I have sampled delights of Burlesque and pole dancing classes. I’ve taken part in several the Notting Hill
Carnivals, not to mention a couple of brief appearances TV because of my dancing. Last February I went to Carnaval in Rio de Janeiro with my Samba chums, and thanks to the amazing kindness of one of my friends, I got to watch some of the best samba schools in Rio performng in the Marquês de Sapucaí Sambadrome. I’ve had so many other great experiences that I don’t think I would have ever put
myself forward for, had I not had the oomph for my New List. For me this is the best thing about a New List.
A new year can seem like the perfect time to start afresh,
but why leave it til then? Why not start anytime! Most resolutions stem from wanting to make positive
changes to yourself which is a good thing. You set yourself a clear starting point and give yourself goal's, even better. But we put so much pressure on
ourselves to transform in the new year, it’s no wonder many resolutions fail or at least falter. It doesn’t
help that we try to revisit the same dry New Year promises year on year. 'In
2013, I’m going to lose this, stop that, do more of...' etc, boring, etc.
As adults we can lose sight of things that we want to do for the sheer pleasure of it, over the din of things we NEED to do. For me a New List is a fun way of breaking the routines and monotony of grown up life. I certainly don’t want to look back and think about the fantastic opportunities missed because I was too scared, too lazy or too busy trying to be sensible.
A lot of great things happened to me in 2012. Of course the year sped past at warp speed, but I
made damn sure I left a trail of unforgettable memories behind me.
At the moment my 2013 New List is small for now, and consists of taking up new dances. But the one thing I've learnt is that the more you're open to new things, the more you'll engage in them, so we'll see how my list grows. I'm not giving up my samba shoes yet, but it’s time I get to grips with some new moves – Jive, Swing, Lindy Hop, I’m looking at you!
At the moment my 2013 New List is small for now, and consists of taking up new dances. But the one thing I've learnt is that the more you're open to new things, the more you'll engage in them, so we'll see how my list grows. I'm not giving up my samba shoes yet, but it’s time I get to grips with some new moves – Jive, Swing, Lindy Hop, I’m looking at you!
So go on then, tell me, what’s on your New List 2013?
Kanika x
Kanika x
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