Hurricane Sandy, the affectionately named 'SuperStorm' hit the Caribbean about two weeks ago causing irreparable damage and claiming lives across the board in countries such as Jamaica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and poor old Haiti, still coming back from last years' devastating earthquake.
This week, however, all over the press were images of people sailing to the house next door to borrow a power cable or amusing signs in front of shops declaring themselves bruised but not broken and fully stocked with beer for people to drink and forget their problems.
Harlem - Surviving and imbibing! via |
Now I'm not trying to make light of what is clearly a city's efforts to maintain morale and rebuild itself after homes were ruined and lives were lost... I just ask where the coverage from the rest of the devastation is? Where can I find amusing images of notes to Sandy with love from Kingston. Pictures of power cables sticking out of houses for those without power to use? Barak Obama isn't going down there to ensure the rescue effort is as efficient as it should be - even if Portia Simpson Miller or Michael Joseph Martelly is touring the Jamaica or Haiti, how would we even know?!
I just want to see one appeal for these guys, a few photos in the corner of page 2 to show they're doing ok and then I'll shut up.
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