Monday, 29 October 2012

Why Natural?

Because natural hair is:

Versatile, Able to get wet, Linked to a sense of IDENTITY, different, it's own kind of beautiful, Political, Healthier, LIBERATING, About Independence (I know my hair, thank you), FUN, Pretty, A way to stand out from the crowd (in a good way), A test of patience, A test of creativity, Challenging - and Rewarding,

Our way of expressing ourselves.

Friday, 19 October 2012

So, what are you doing with your life?!

How many times have we heard this question, or at least variations of it?  Too many times to count. And to top it off, it’s something that we’ve been asking ourselves more and more.

“Still living at home?”
“Got a boyfriend yet?”
“How’s work? Oh yeah... sorry.”

“When are you going to sort yourself out?”


It's been a long time coming.  After months of talking about it, we’ve finally decided to knuckle down and start a blog. We need something to focus our wayward minds towards steadfastly achieving our goals, and not letting them pass us by.  No more procrastinating - lots more doing!

Being Black girls living in London and dealing with life, love and natural hair, it was quite rare to find a blog that we could completely relate to. Watching videos and reading blogs that inspire us, many of the women appear 'sorted' or least seem to have things falling into place. Even our friends – people we went to school and university with all seem to be getting married, having kids, getting promotions, AND rocking Awesome Natural Dos..! Not us. Well, not yet, anyway.

This blog is the start of our attempt to sort our lives out, one step at a time. We want to use this blog to share the trials, tribulations and thoughts of two 20 something London ladies.


Karla and Kanika

Us at the London 2012 Olympics Closing ceremony!